DRAFT Statute of EURODOS - Socialist Documentation Centre for Europe -


Socialist Documentation Centre for Europe

Article 1 - The Foundation of EURODOS

An association is hereby founded which shall be called EURODOS, Socialist Documentation Centre for Europe.

Article 2 - The Objects of EURODOS

EURODOS has as its object the encouragement of international solidarity in Europe.

For this object EURODOS realises different functions, i.e. documentary, archiving journalistic, scientific but also pedagogical, communicative, cultural, commercial, and political functions.

The spirit of EURODOS is socialism the most intense democratic participation of people establishing the 'Common European House', the principles of international solidarity, peace.

Article 3 - The Head Office of EURODOS

The head office of EURODOS is in Amsterdam.

It can be transferred by decision of the general assembly.

Article 4 - The Duration

The association is founded for an unlimited period. The case of dissolution is referred to in article 17 of the present statute.

Article 5 - Membership

The association is composed of associates. These are members or friends.

Members can become:

Friends can become:

The members and friends participate in the financing of the association.

The members participate in the proceedings and they have voting rights for the decisions of the general assembly.

Election to membership shall be in the discretion of the Committee which decides on the presented applications at its regular meetings.

The association can have also corresponding friends.

Article 6 - The Resignation

The membership as member or friend ceases by voluntary resignation or by expulsion announced by the Committee for lack of payments of fees or for other severe motives. The expulsion must be made by recommended letter by the Committee.

The associates have a right of appeal at the general assembly whose decision remains final.

Article 7 - The Composition of the General Assembly

The General Assembly consists of the members of the association and in the case where there are Regional Assemblies, the Regional Delegates of the Regional Assemblies.

The persons form the 1. College.
The representatives of the corporate members form the 2. College.

Article 8 - The Proceedings of the General Assembly

The General Assembly meets usually annually at the invitation of the Committee or the President. This invitation must be posted at least 2 month in advance. The agenda and the documents to be decided on at the General Assembly is headed by the President or his depute.

The first College of the General Assembly elects the members of the Committee who represent the persons, associates of EURODOS.

The second College of the General Assembly elects the members of the Committee representing the corporate members of EURODOS.

The General Assembly receives and considers the Chairmans report of the activities of the previous year, receives and considers the accounts of the association for the previous year and the Auditors report on the accounts and the Treasurer's report as to the financial position of the Association.

The General Assembly decides by majority vote on the issues which are placed on the agenda.

The General Assembly decides on the guide-lines for the year to come.

Article 9 - The Decisions of the General Assembly

The General Assembly can pass resolutions only if at least half of its members are present or represented. In case of insufficient participation a new assembly must be initiated under the same conditions of giving notice and with the same agenda and this assembly can decide without condition of quorum. The vote by mail or the possibility to be substituted are not permitted.

The General Assembly decides with the simple majority of its participating members.

Article 10 - The Committee

After the agenda has been accepted it is continued with the replacement of the resigning members of the committee.

The Committee consists of :

1. The representatives of the first College. The representation shall be at least 5 and no more than 9.

2. The representatives of the second College. The representation of the corporate members of EURODOS should be at least 5 persons, who are also members and no more than 9.

The function of staff and Committee member is incompatible. The function of staff and member is compatible.

Article 11 - The Decisions of the Committee

The Committee meets normally once a month or if a third of its members call for it.

It is invited at least 10 days in advance of the meeting. The presence of one third of its members is necessary to deliberate. The decisions are taken by simple majority of the attending members.

Article 12 - The Object of the Committee

The Committee enforces the decisions of the General Assembly.

Article 13 - The Bureau of the Committee

The Committee elects amongst its members a bureau which consists at least of: a president, a secretary and a treasurer.

Article 14 - The Resources of EURODOS

The resources of EURODOS consists of fees, subventions, income, commodities and other resources not prohibited by law.

Article 15 - The Liability of EURODOS

The liability of EURODOS concerns only the contracts agreed in its name and the associates can not personally made liable.

Article 16 - Modifications of the Statute

The statute cannot be modified other than by proposal by the Committee followed by a deliberation and decision of two third of the members present at the General Assembly's ordinary or extraordinary meeting.

Regional Assemblies can be provided for.

Article 17 - The Dissolution of EURODOS

The dissolution of EURODOS can only be decided on by proposal of the Committee followed by an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly where two thirds of the members of the association must be present. The dissolution must be decided on by a majority of two thirds. The Committee nominates one or several liquidators who establish the final accounts. The wealth of the association can be transferred to another association with similar objects.

The Founders and First Members of EURODOS:

Name, First Name, Sex, Nationality, Signature
1. ............................................................................................................
2. ............................................................................................................
3. ............................................................................................................
4. ............................................................................................................
5. ............................................................................................................
6. ............................................................................................................
7. ............................................................................................................

Amsterdam, the .................... 1997

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