EURODOS Membership Application Form

Please enter your name and your address into the following form. When you click 'Apply' you have send your application to EURODOS. Use the TAB or cursor keys to move from field to field. Applications are accepted only if the address has been completely filled in. After you have sent the application you receive a confirmation message.

In about two weeks you should get a friendship card from EURODOS.

Your Address:

First name:
Family name:
Age: Sex:
Postal code: City:

Telephone numbers (not obligatory):

Office hours:
Other hours: (if different)

This application is sent to:

EURODOS, P.O. Box 10186, NL-1001 ED Amsterdam,
Bank: EURODOS, Klaus Hagendorf, No. 6881492, Postbank Nederland

Copyright © 1998-2003 EURODOS, Amsterdam