For an Open Dynamic for the Entire Left Movement

Robert Hue, General Secretary of the National Committee of the French Communist Party (PCF)

Excerpt from l'Humanité, Saturday 16 January 1999

Translated by Klaus Hagendorf

'... One of the first missions of the European left ... must be to render Europe to its citizens. What happens to the Euro and Amsterdam these days reveals the character of the actual policies. Whatever one thinks about the Euro - and I know that amongst the progressive forces exist some differences of opinion - what are the facts? Some have celebrated the launching of the single currency, but not on the street. In the banks and at the stock exchanges! Where are the citizens in this affair? Where are the women and men? One has deprived them of a serious comprehensive debate. One has deprived them of being consulted. One pretended to respond to their enquiries, to their doubts with publicities. Enough! We do not want to be treated as the passive recipients of Europe. We want to be the creators of it! We want that the French people, women and men like all other citizens of the European Union have their real share in the decisions.

It is for this reason that, what we are concerned, we do not vote for the ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam.

EURODOS Disarmament and Social Progress

Published by © 1999 EURODOS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands